The Challenge of Learning Podcast Editing (And Where to Find Real Help)

Ever struggled to find those in-depth podcast editing tutorials – the ones that actually take you beyond the basics? You’re not alone. See, most of what’s out there is Podcast Editing 101 stuff put out by companies trying to sell you their product. Have you noticed how most of the “how to edit a podcast” videos and articles come from podcast hosts or those recording platforms? Not many podcast editors are out there creating content to help other editors grow.

I’ve worked with a lot of podcast editors, and most of them learned by figuring it out themselves. Hey, I respect the self-taught hustle! As a mostly self-taught audio engineer, I get it. But here’s the thing: when you teach yourself, your results depend on what resources you find.

Unfortunately, there’s not a ton of great podcast editing info available. So you turn to YouTube, Google, social media… or you go it alone and just learn by making mistakes. Trial and error can get you there, but it’s slooow. And sometimes, what you find online can straight-up steer you wrong. Like, have you seen some of those YouTube “experts” who sound like they know their stuff but…don’t?

For instance, I worked with a client who’d learned mostly from YouTube. When we dug into his process, his setup was a mess. Gain plugins, tons of de-clippers, unnecessary limiters… it was overkill, and his audio was actually suffering because of it. Turned out, he just couldn’t figure out how to make things louder and wound up following some bad advice. Once I showed him a better way, his process got streamlined and his podcasts sounded way cleaner.

The point is, teaching yourself podcast editing can be a lot more work than it needs to be, and you might not even get the quality results you want. That’s why I created Podcast Editing School. It’s the place to truly learn podcast editing. You get our in-depth “Podcast Editing Level Up” course and join a community where you get your questions answered and stay on top of the best tools and techniques. There’s nothing else like it. Because if you want to get better, the fastest way is with a good mentor.

Watch a Podcast Editor in Action

Want a peek behind the curtain? I recorded myself editing a community video, talking through every step. I explain what I’m doing, why, and how my brain works as I go. You’ll see me working in Hindenburg 2 (which I swear by for podcast editing) and using timesaving plugins like Supertone Clear and Sonible smart:Plugins. This kind of in-depth look at the editing process is rare – too many editors keep their secrets close. But if you’ve checked out my YouTube channel, you know I’m all about helping podcasters and editors level up their audio game.

Ready to take your podcast editing to the next level? Check out Podcast Editing School.

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